Coffee Sources in Nova Scotia -
Nova Scotia Coffee
Nova Scotia Coffee Sources

Our Canadian Coffee Sources listing is a directory of businesses with an emphasis on their Coffee. The business website homepage has a coffee related image or coffee is mentioned at the top and usually will have a Coffee link in the main menu. Additionally, the word "Coffee" in the name of the business is usually a good indicator of a strong Coffee presence.

The Coffee listing includes: Coffee Shops, Coffee Cafes, Coffee Roasters, Online Coffee sellers, and Coffee Wholesalers, basically, businesses that take pride in their coffee beans or their brewed coffee. A method of sorting the listing by classification is in progress, however with thousands of busineses, that will take time. Possible possible classifications include: online Coffee sales, Coffee Cafes or Coffee Shops, Coffee Wholesalers, Green Coffee Beans, brick & mortar store only and Tea availability.

As with all our listings, we list websites/businesses once per Province or Territory. Large businesses (i.e. Starbucks, Caribou, etc.) maybe listed in each Province directory. The goal is to introduce you to their website or business - whether to shop coffee online, look for a good cup of coffee in a cafe, find a coffee wholesaler or buy green coffee beans.

If you have a constructive comment or a coffee business to add please contact us via the contact page Or if you found this website useful - please Share us and Like us!

The original Coffee Roaster Listing is still avaiable and is located beneath the new listing.

Scroll to Original Coffee Roaster List

Nova Scotia Coffee Sources

Website Link
Anchored Coffee
Aroma Maya Coffee Roasters
Bean There Cafe
Dillan's at Wentworth
Java Blend Coffee Roasters
Just Us! Coffee & Tea House
Laughing Whale Coffee Roasters
Meeting Waters Coffee Roastery
No 9 Coffee Bar
Nova Coffee
NovelTea Bookstore Cafe
Pavia Gallery - Espresso Bar & Café
Perky Owl Coffee Inc.
Quest Coffee Co
Sissiboo Coffee Roaster
T.A.N. Coffee
the Coffee Pro Halifax
The Other Bean Sandwich Shop
The Village Coffeehouse
Uncommon Grounds

The Original Coffee Roaster List

The original listing (below) contains Coffee Roasters that sell their Coffee online. The above listing contains businesses that you can buy a cup of coffee in a Cafe or a cup of Coffee to go - As well as Coffee Beans - retail or wholesale from Coffee Roasters.

Coffee Roasters in Nova Scotia

Prov/TerrCoffee Roaster Website
NSAnchored Coffee
NSDoktor Luke''s - a respectable coffee house
NSFull Steam Coffee
NSJava Blend Coffee Roasters
NSJust Us! Coffee & Tea House
NSLaughing Whale Coffee Roasters
NSNova Coffee
NSQuest Coffee Co
NSSissiboo Coffee Roaster
NSUncommon Grounds

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