The Coffee Resource Center Fri, 19 Jan 2024 01:58:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Coffee Candy Conversation Hearts Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:16:24 +0000 If Coffee Candy Conversation Hearts were made by a True Coffee Lover, we discussed some Coffee versions of the candy we would design to initiate conversation in a coffee shop. Our Coffee Candy Conversation Hearts would be “sweet” at Coffee

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If Coffee Candy Conversation Hearts were made by a True Coffee Lover, we discussed some Coffee versions of the candy we would design to initiate conversation in a coffee shop. Our Coffee Candy Conversation Hearts would be “sweet” at Coffee shops. Cafes could use a mint version of the Hearts as an after-dinner mint. If you don’t get these then get something or end up in the doghouse.

Valentine’s Day reminder February 14, 2024

To check out some Necco Candy Conversation Hearts on click this link.

Or to check out some Coffee Related Valentine’s Day gift ideas.









i love


















k cups







Popularity and Cultural Significance

Candy Conversation Hearts have become a beloved staple of Valentine’s Day celebrations. Their popularity can be attributed to their nostalgic charm and the way they evoke feelings of sweetness and romance. These little candy messages have become a cultural phenomenon, ingrained in our collective perception of love and friendship.

The Necco Company and the Sweethearts Brand

The modern incarnation of Candy Conversation Hearts can be credited to the Necco Company, which first introduced them in 1902. Originally called “Motto Hearts,” they were rebranded as “Sweethearts” in 1903. Necco’s Sweethearts quickly gained popularity and became synonymous with Valentine’s Day.

Modern and Trendy Messages

In recent years, Conversation Hearts have embraced more modern and trendy expressions. You’re likely to find phrases like “BFF,” “Text Me,” and “Selfie” imprinted on these sugary treats. These contemporary messages reflect the changing language of love in our digital age.

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Coffee Gift Ideas Sat, 06 Jan 2024 15:28:23 +0000 Coffee Gift Ideas on Amazon Surely you would expect a post with Coffee Gift Ideas on a coffee website. With that in mind, searching for coffee ideas took a little time coming up with the correct search terms. Surprisingly, changing

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Coffee Gift Ideas on Amazon

Surely you would expect a post with Coffee Gift Ideas on a coffee website. With that in mind, searching for coffee ideas took a little time coming up with the correct search terms. Surprisingly, changing one term gave us different result on search engines, as well as Amazon. For the most part, here is what we found to be useful in searching for coffee related gifts. Whether it be for Valentine’s Day, birthdays, Christmas or any special occasion. Obviously, we use because we shop it and use it for the reviews, ratings, price checks & answered questions. Living some miles from shopping areas, it saves time and money.

Images link to to check prices, reviews & ratings

For Drinking Coffee

Check out more Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean Gift ideas on Amazon

Coffee Related Jewelery

Check out more Coffee Related Jewelry Gift ideas on Amazon


Assorted Coffee Gift Ideas

Check out Coffee Wall Art ideas on Amazon

Check out Coffee Rug ideas on Amazon

Check out Coffee Hats on Amazon

Check out Coffee Accessories on Amazon

Check out more Coffee Related Clothing Gift ideas on Amazon

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The Rise of AI-assisted Coffee Bean Roasting Thu, 23 Nov 2023 12:56:18 +0000 The Rise of AI-assisted Coffee Bean Roasting Introduction to AI-assisted coffee bean roasting Coffee is an integral part of many people’s daily lives, and the art of coffee roasting plays a crucial role in delivering the perfect cup of joe.

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The Rise of AI-assisted Coffee Bean Roasting

One Day AI may run your Home Coffee Preparation

Introduction to AI-assisted coffee bean roasting

Coffee is an integral part of many people’s daily lives, and the art of coffee roasting plays a crucial role in delivering the perfect cup of joe. Today, the coffee industry is witnessing a remarkable transformation with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the coffee bean roasting process. AI-assisted coffee bean roasting has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way coffee is roasted, enhancing quality, and streamlining production. This article explores the rise of AI-assisted coffee bean roasting in the United States, delving into its benefits, challenges, and the future implications it holds for the coffee industry.

What is AI-assisted coffee bean roasting?

Coffee enthusiasts rejoice! AI-assisted coffee bean roasting is the latest trend taking the coffee industry by storm. But what exactly does it entail? Well, it’s the marriage of artificial intelligence (AI) technology with the age-old process of roasting coffee beans. This innovative approach utilizes algorithms and machine learning to optimize the roasting process, resulting in a perfectly brewed cup of joe.

Brief history of AI integration in the coffee industry

The integration of AI in the coffee industry may sound futuristic, but it has been an ongoing process for several years. Coffee roasters have been leveraging technology to enhance their craft, with the earliest AI-assisted systems emerging in the 1990s. However, recent advancements in AI technology have provided the coffee industry with exciting new opportunities for improved roasting techniques and flavor profiles.

The role of AI in transforming the coffee industry

Advancements in AI technology and its impact on coffee roasting

AI has brought about a revolution in the coffee industry, transforming the way beans are roasted. With sophisticated algorithms, AI can analyze vast amounts of data, such as bean characteristics, moisture content, and environmental factors, to determine the optimal roasting parameters. This level of precision ensures consistent quality and flavor in every batch.

Increased efficiency and precision in coffee roasting through AI

Gone are the days of manual guesswork and trial-and-error roasting. AI has elevated the process to new heights of efficiency and precision. By constantly monitoring and adjusting variables in real-time, AI-assisted roasting systems can achieve unparalleled control over flavor development. This not only enhances the taste of the final product but also minimizes wasted resources and maximizes productivity.

Benefits and challenges of AI-assisted coffee bean roasting

Enhanced quality and consistency in coffee flavor profiles

One of the most significant benefits of AI-assisted coffee bean roasting is the enhanced quality and consistency it brings to coffee flavor profiles. With AI’s ability to analyze data and make minute adjustments, coffee roasters can achieve their desired taste profiles consistently. This ensures that customers experience the same flavor sensations with every cup, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Reduction in production costs and waste with AI integration

AI-integrated coffee roasting systems also bring financial benefits. By optimizing the roasting process, coffee companies can reduce production costs and minimize waste. AI’s ability to precisely control variables such as temperature and time results in more efficient energy usage and a decrease in incorrectly roasted batches. This means less money going down the drain and a more sustainable approach to coffee bean roasting.

Potential challenges in implementing AI-assisted roasting systems

Of course, no technological advancement comes without its challenges. Implementing AI-assisted roasting systems may require substantial upfront investment and expertise in both coffee roasting and AI technology. Additionally, the ever-evolving nature of AI means that coffee companies must stay updated with the latest advancements to remain competitive.

Adoption and impact of AI technology in coffee roasting companies

Case studies of coffee roasting companies utilizing AI technology

Coffee roasting companies across the United States are increasingly embracing AI technology to stay ahead in the game. Some companies have developed AI-assisted systems that have revolutionized their roasting processes. These case studies showcase the potential and benefits of AI integration in the coffee industry.

Analysis of the impact of AI-assisted roasting on business operations

The adoption of AI-assisted roasting has not only transformed the quality of coffee but also impacted business operations. From increased efficiency in production to improved customer satisfaction, coffee companies experience a ripple effect of positive changes. However, it’s important to strike a balance between AI and human expertise to maintain the artistry and craftsmanship that makes coffee special.

So, if you’re wondering why your daily brew tastes even more heavenly, you can thank AI-assisted coffee bean roasting for that. The rise of this technology promises a brighter and more flavorful future for coffee lovers everywhere.

The future of AI-assisted coffee bean roasting in the United States

Predictions for the growth and widespread adoption of AI in coffee roasting

Move over baristas, AI is here to roast! As technology continues to evolve at an alarming pace, it’s no surprise that the coffee industry has also jumped on the bandwagon. AI-assisted coffee bean roasting is quickly gaining momentum in the United States. Some experts predict that its growth and widespread adoption will continue to accelerate in the coming years.

With AI algorithms continuously learning and improving, coffee roasting can be taken to a whole new level of precision and consistency. Gone are the days of burnt or under-roasted beans, as these smart machines are able to analyze variables such as temperature, moisture, and airflow, ensuring that every batch is roasted to perfection.

Not only does AI bring unmatched accuracy to the art of coffee roasting, but it also reduces human error. While we love our friendly neighborhood baristas, they’re only human after all, and even the best ones can have an off day. AI, on the other hand, is always on top of its game, guaranteeing a consistently excellent cup of joe.

Potential innovations and advancements in AI technology for coffee roasting

While AI-assisted coffee roasting is already making waves, the future holds even more exciting possibilities. The potential for innovation and advancements in AI technology in coffee roasting is limitless and has the potential to revolutionize the industry.

Imagine a coffee roasting machine that not only roasts the beans but also recommends the perfect brewing method for each roast. Picture a world where your coffee machine knows your taste preferences better than you do and adjusts the roasting process accordingly. It may sound like something straight out of a science fiction movie, but with AI, it’s not as far-fetched as it seems.

Furthermore, AI-assisted coffee roasting opens doors for increased sustainability and environmental consciousness. Smart machines can optimize roasting profiles to minimize energy consumption and reduce waste, making the process more eco-friendly.

AI Roast My beans at 6PM and Grind and Brew My Coffee at 6AM

As AI technology continues to evolve, it’s only a matter of time before coffee enthusiasts across the United States welcome our new AI roasting overlords with open arms (and coffee mugs). So, get ready to embark on a caffeinated journey into the future where your morning cup of joe is perfectly roasted, every single time. Cheers to the rise of AI in coffee roasting! In conclusion, the rise of AI-assisted coffee bean roasting marks an exciting new chapter in the coffee industry.

With its ability to enhance precision, consistency, and efficiency in the roasting process, AI technology is revolutionizing the way coffee is produced and enjoyed. As more coffee roasting companies embrace and adopt AI-assisted systems, we can expect to see even greater advancements and innovations in the future. From improved flavor profiles to reduced production costs, the impact of AI on coffee bean roasting is undeniable. AI is reshaping the coffee landscape, ensuring that coffee lovers can savor an exceptional and consistent experience every time.

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The Significance of Color in Coffee Packaging Sat, 11 Nov 2023 04:04:05 +0000 The Significance of Color in Coffee Packaging: Unlocking its Potential to Drive Sales Introduction:In today’s highly competitive marketplace, distinguishing a product among countless options is crucial for businesses to thrive. Coffee, being one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, demands

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The Significance of Color in Coffee Packaging: Unlocking its Potential to Drive Sales
The significance of color in coffee packaging
The significance of color in coffee packaging

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, distinguishing a product among countless options is crucial for businesses to thrive. Coffee, being one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, demands strategic packaging design to attract and retain customers. While various elements contribute to a product’s appeal, color stands as a powerful tool in shaping consumers’ perceptions and influencing their purchasing decisions. This article critically evaluates the significance of color in coffee packaging and its potential to enhance sales. Here are some points to consider when designing your Coffee packaging.

1. Attention-Grabbing Nature:
The first and foremost role of color in coffee packaging is to capture the attention of potential buyers amidst the array of options on the shelves. Utilizing vibrant and contrasting colors can effectively differentiate a coffee brand from competitors. Research has shown that bright and eye-catching packaging increases product visibility and attracts consumer attention at first glance. Developers should take into consideration that employing striking colors as focal points on labels, such as vibrant red or golden hues, can significantly enhance product recognition.

2. Emotional Brand Association:
Colors have the innate ability to evoke certain emotions and associations within individuals. Consequently, incorporating color psychology into coffee packaging design enables businesses to evoke specific emotional responses from consumers. For instance, warm colors like oranges and browns often elicit feelings of comfort, warmth, and quality, all of which can align with consumers’ expectations of a satisfying coffee experience. Advanced understanding asserts that the emotional connection formed through color promotes brand loyalty and enhances repeat sales. There are many websites with a breakdown of color meaning, here is one 8 Ways to Use Color Psychology in Marketing

3. Reflecting Brand Identity:
The color scheme used in coffee packaging plays a pivotal role in accurately reflecting a brand’s identity and story. Advanced comprehension allows developers to explore how color aligns with a company’s vision, values, and target audience. Consistency in color selection ensures that packaging aligns with the overall brand message, leading to a recognizable and memorable identity in the minds of consumers. When customers identify with a brand’s values, they are more likely to make repeat purchases and remain loyal to the coffee brand.

4. Shelf Differentiation:
On crowded store shelves, coffee packaging faces fierce competition for consumers’ attention. Intelligent comprehension acknowledges the importance of using unique color schemes to navigate this challenge successfully. By employing innovative color combinations, such as unexpected pairings or trendy hues, coffee packaging can create a distinctive appearance, standing out from competitors. This differentiation helps brands establish a memorable presence and entice potential consumers who might otherwise overlook the product.

5. Consumer Perception and Quality Assessment:
Color is closely associated with perceptions of quality and taste in product packaging. Studies have shown that certain color combinations can significantly impact how consumers perceive the quality and taste profile of coffee. For instance, earthy and darker tones evoke a sense of richness and depth, usually linked to high-quality coffee. By utilizing such colors, the significance of Color in Coffee Packaging can influence customers’ perception of the product’s taste and ultimately drive sales through perceived value.

The significance of color in coffee packaging Can Make Sales or Kill Them
The significance of color in coffee packaging Can Make Sales or Kill Them

6. Cultural Relevance and International Appeal:
The global coffee market is highly diverse, with coffee being an integral part of various cultures. Designers must comprehend the importance of considering cultural relevance when designing packaging. By utilizing colors associated with cultural traditions and symbolism, coffee packaging can establish a stronger connection with specific target markets. This cultural relevance helps companies expand their reach, increase market share, and enhance sales by appealing to consumers’ sense of familiarity and identity.

7. Creating an Emotional Experience:
Recognize the importance of creating an emotional experience through product packaging. By utilizing specific colors, coffee packaging can evoke specific emotions and enhance the overall consumer experience. For example, cool blues and greens may evoke feelings of freshness and relaxation, aligning with the soothing ambiance that consumers often seek when enjoying their coffee. This emotional connection elevates the brand beyond a mere product and cultivates a sense of loyalty and advocacy among coffee enthusiasts.

8. Instant Brand Recognition:
In a saturated market, brand recognition is essential to driving sales. Understand the importance that color plays a crucial role in achieving instant brand recognition. By consistently utilizing a specific color palette across various packaging designs and marketing materials, coffee brands can become instantly recognizable in consumers’ minds. When customers effortlessly associate the significance of color in Coffee packaging with a particular brand, purchasing decisions become faster and more instinctive, leading to increased sales.

9. Accessibility for Consumers:
The color scheme employed in coffee packaging can also contribute to enhancing accessibility for diverse consumer groups. Comprehending the relevance of color schemes in coffee packaging is crucial for consumers with visual impairments. By using high contrast colors, such as black and white, or bold and vibrant colors, coffee brands can ensure that visually impaired individuals can easily distinguish between different coffee products. Additionally, incorporating braille labels or embossed textures on the packaging can further enhance accessibility for consumers with visual impairments. By considering the needs of diverse consumer groups, coffee brands can create packaging that is not only visually appealing but also inclusive and accessible to all.

You can review hundreds on Coffee packages on Coffeebeaned’s webpage here: Coffee Packaging Gallery

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Military Grade Coffee – A New Coffee Contenter Fri, 24 Jan 2020 21:02:15 +0000 The post Military Grade Coffee – A New Coffee Contenter appeared first on


The Strongest Coffee on the Planet

Images link to to check prices, reviews & ratings

From time to time a new Coffee contender makes a claim to be the strongest coffee. All things considered, this a subjectively bold claim. Nevertheless, Military Grade Whole Bean Coffee has made the claim to be the Strongest Coffee On The Planet. So far the ratings on Amazon make it a coffee contender for the title.

Coffee Description

In a word, a fantastic tasting USDA Organic- non-GMO coffee, USDA Organic- non-GMO coffee. PROFILE: Premium coffee that offers rich, bold flavors to tantalize from start to finish. Has subtle notes of chocolate and caramel with a deceptively smooth taste. Furthermore this coffee is one of the STRONGEST COFFEES on the planet. These coffee beans are hand selected & roasted to provide premium, DOUBLE-DUTY CAFFEINATED coffee. Because of a special process, Military Grade Coffee is fortified to be MILITARY STRONG & BOLD like the proud Men and Women of our armed forces. Additionally, Military Grade Coffee is a gives a portion of all proceeds to help military veterans & their families. After all, giving back to our military veterans and their families has been our focus from the start.

  • Deceptively smooth without the bitter or burnt taste with subtle hints of chocolate & caramel.
  • Carefully selected coffee beans by our Q Grader are roasted to perfection for the best tasting, freshest cup of coffee you can buy.
  • Comes in vacuumed-sealed, one-way valve, re-sealable bags to keep our coffee incredibly fresh and strong.
  • Non-GMO, USDA Organic Whole Bean Coffee – Comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
  • Each time a Military Grade Coffee product is purchased,10% of NET goes to “The Gary Sinise Foundation” to help with PTSD, housing and other important needs. Our organization is dedicated to helping our veterans. Made in the USA.
Military Grade Coffee

Current Coffee Contenders

Finally we’ll have to see how it compares with coffee like Death Wish Coffee ground or whole bean. As Death Wish Coffee is probably the leading World’s Strongest Coffee.

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Green Coffee Sources are Closer Than You Think Mon, 20 Jan 2020 22:45:09 +0000 Finding green coffee beans is as easy as ordering from Amazon. Green coffee beans from around the world, a pound to 60 Kg bags, many with fast & fast delivery with Prime. A few years ago I was interested roasting my own coffee beans, however, I could not find too many reliable sources. Now, I started a list to try:

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green coffee beans

Green Coffee Sources are closer than you think. Eventually accessibility to green beans would be affected by demand. And now buying (unroasted) green coffee beans is as easy as ordering from Amazon. Now you can get green coffee beans from around the world, from a pound bag to 60 Kg bags, from online at home. Furthermore, many purchases include fast & free delivery with Amazon Prime membership . As a result of increased reliable green coffee bean sources over the past few years, home coffee bean roasting is now a little easier and more convenient.

As a rule I do not like ordering online from many different websites and try to limit supplying my personal and credit card information to websites. Consequently a security benefit of ordering from Amazon or one central location is creating one account for many sellers. Thus only giving your credit card information one central entity and not to multiple sellers. While this may not be an issue for some, having too many multiple password accounts can be a little annoying.

Also, if you like the unroasted beans below, check out more green unroasted coffee beans on Amazon’s Green Coffee Beans Page. Please note images below link to

Since the time of posting some beans may NOT be available: please check here to check out Green Coffee Beans on Amazon


Above are just a sample of unroasted green coffee beans I found interesting for future purchase. More green coffee sources are available on Amazon’s Green Coffee Beans Page. Although rating these coffee beans would be the trend in a post. Needless to say, taste is too subjective and the Amazon reviews are worth more than my opinion.

Similarly, if you need a Coffee Bean Roaster for the beans, review our bean roaster post or review coffee bean roaster machines on

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10 Ideas to Pour Yourself a Better Coffee Website Tue, 13 Aug 2019 20:48:12 +0000 After visiting well over 2000 Coffee websites to create our Coffee Roaster List, I decided to post 10 Ideas to Pour Yourself a Better Coffee Website. Consider this – If YOU visited your own website (without knowing it was your

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Pour yourself a better Coffee website
Pour Yourself a Better Coffee Website

After visiting well over 2000 Coffee websites to create our Coffee Roaster List, I decided to post 10 Ideas to Pour Yourself a Better Coffee Website.

Consider this – If YOU visited your own website (without knowing it was your website) would YOU buy from it? Do you consider contact information Important? Do you investigate legitimacy of a business before giving your credit card information? Do you shop for product and/or website reviews before buying? Do you judge a business on the design and accuracy of information of it’s website? Read on….

10 Ideas to Pour Yourself a Better Coffee Website


Get an Appropriate Domain Name

To most of us choosing an appropriate domain name for our coffee website is a given, find a domain name that is descriptive of your website. If your name is Qwerty and you sell Coffee, but “” is not available, then you may have to settle for “” (both were available at the time of this post). Think twice before settling for something like – unless your goal is to sell wine, beer, coffee and soda.

domain suffixes
What domain suffix to use?

Your domain name should be descriptive of what your website is about, if you sell Coffee, then “coffee” or a synomyn for Coffee (i.e. Java, Joe, etc.) in your domain name would be ideal. If in doubt about choosing your domain name, ask trustworthy family and friends for opinions – sometimes things that might be clear to you, are not be clear to the millions of multi-ethnic internet coffee customers. Local ideology may impede your business growth on the internet.

Find a Reputable Host Server & Hosting Plan

Finding a reputable server hosting company for your Coffee website might take a little time – research with the internet and other website owners can save frustration later. Do your homework on this topic, check the average website down times and page load speeds on customer reviews. Also, check what others have complained about at the Better Business Bureau.

Many server hosting companies hit you with many options that can increase costs needlessly. Choose a website hosting plan suited to your website and expected traffic – you can always upgrade as your traffic increases. Chances are your website is not going to be inundated with web traffic unless you have wildly unique popular products – with almost 2000 coffee roaster websites in the U.S. alone, that is not a likely scenario.

Many companies offer new customers a great deals to enlist you, then neglect you and increase rates – loyal customers should be appreciated. Some business practice beliefs are that once you install your website(s), it is too much work to move to a new hosting company. However, it is not, if your website is relatively small (dependent on the data it contains), even WordPress sites can be moved easily with WordPress migration plugins like Duplicator and others.

Design Your Website Around Your Objective

First, ensure your website design is responsive and mobile friendly. Google and others search engines will lower website rankings in searches if the site in not mobile friendly. Check to see if your website is mobile friendly on Google’s Website Mobile Friendly Test page or other mobile friendly analysis page.

Most websites have a primary goal or objective – in this case Sell Coffee – there may be a secondary goal, such as charitable community service, but without selling coffee the second goal may not be feasible. So design tour website with your primary goal in mind. Build your website on paper first, decide how many pages and what info and images each page will contain. Flowchart or map your website, it’s easier to make changes on paper than online. Use Office or Open Office (a free Office alternative) to check Grammar and spelling if your HTML editor does not have these options.

During my review of the thousands of coffee roaster websites, I was amazed how difficult it was to find where to buy or shop coffee for coffee on some websites. The most important point of this post would be if you sell Coffee then make it “obvious” where to buy or shop for that Coffee as visitors may spend only a few seconds on your website. That’s why car dealers will make every effort to keep you on their sales lot – while you are there, they can make a sale – once you leave, you are probably not going to buy a car. Website design should practice the same methodology – to keep you there to sway you into a purchase.

Make the Menu clear, direct and very visible – don’t let it get lost in background colors- check all screen sizes.

on average, website visitors will spend much less than a minute while searching your homepage for the desired topic, don’t risk losing that brief opportunity. If you sell coffee, make it obviously clear in a well seen font contrasting top menu. In my experience, the above menu contains some text link topics that are well defined and may be in a good coffee website main menu.

Finally, please choose a font that is legible to all. Script and fancy fonts are difficult to read – not everyone reads well, reads English, and has great vision. In addition, these fancy fonts are even more difficult to read on mobile devices. Review your website pages with different screen sizes and devices – shrink and enlarge your browser to check if the text on all pages are legible as planned, especially if your site is responsive and mobile ready.

Make It Easy for Your Customers to Contact Your Business

The lack of contact information can be a sign of a non-legitimate business. Some customers try to confirm legitimacy before buying from any website. In today’s world being skeptical about giving personal and credit card information on the internet is smart idea. Most legitimate businesses will display an email address (usually with the website domain), a physical location, and a working phone number. The lack of contact information may also worry someone if something goes wrong with a purchase – How will they contact you? Easy access to customer service is expected from today’s consumers.

Methods to check for a legitimate business:

      • Try the Better Business Bureau
      • Check if business is registered with local, state or federal authorities
      • Check the registration data for the company website with ICANN WhoIs
      • Check Google and Social Networks
      • Check is the website’s method of payment is secure and reputable
      • Examine the website for professionalism & credibility

Coffee Roasters who run their business from home may want to keep their privacy by not listing a physical address, however, there are alternatives to using your home address or a post office box. Mailbox services companies like the UPS Store offer mailboxes with physical street address not PO Boxes. These mailbox services may allow for compliance of a legal street address and they can accept packages for you. In addition, you might even consider clarifying on your website contact information page that your business home run.

Expose Your Website on the Internet

Google results
Don’t Miss Exposure on the Google Results Page Sidebar

Get some quality exposure on the internet via top rated search engines, like Google and Bing, and include social networks. Google is the most popular Search Engine, so we’ll use Google as the example. First, you will have to register with Google to perform these tasks, but it may be worth it. Afterwards, submit your website to the Google Search Engine, or Google may have already crawled your website, but this is only the first step with Google. If you are a business not concerned with location privacy, getting linked with Google maps may be the second priority, as anyone searching for Coffee with a mobile device using an app that uses maps or locations will show your business on the results. Coffee businesses should also investigate these business tools below to improve expose of your business on Google:

Categorize your business as accurately as possible aid to aid in accurate searches for your type of business.

Bing and other search engines offer similar services.

Approximately 66% of the U.S. population is registered with social networking, take advantage of this free service to optimize your business exposure. Social networking can be done by you or you can hire someone to do it for you. Facebook and Twitter appear to be a minimum base for networks to join.

Furthermore, if you don’t mind paying a percentage of your sales for more exposure to customers, consider selling on or Manage your own sales or use the selling services offered by both companies to lessen the burden on you. offers an eBay Valet option, where someone else handles the selling for you and Sell on offers similar services.

Describe Your Coffee

A good coffee description of your coffee would be ideal and may save questions or sway hesitant customers to try your coffee. If possible, besides the source of your beans and roasting methods, include some other factors, like Aroma, Taste, Finish, Body and Acidity. Maybe the final score results from a recent cupping of your coffees, if results are good and are from a reputable source. Display a photo of the packaging the coffee will arrive at the customer’s home and maybe include a photo of the actual beans if the coffee is a staple of your coffee sales and not a seasonal roast. The more information provided will likely reduce complaints and lessen any surprises after the coffee is delivered to the customer.

Use quality photos on your website, “an image is worth a thousand words”, and non-quality images can give a poor impression and make the visitor leave prematurely. If you cannot take good photos, ask a good amateur photographer, if you do not want to pay a professional, offer some Coffee in trade for a few good photos.

My Attempt at a Coffee Topic Photo

Why Aren’t You Selling Coffee on the Internet?

One topic that does not include the Coffee Roaster websites in my Listing are Coffee shop websites that sell liquid coffee to go, but do NOT sell Coffee online from their already existing website. Some sell T-shirts, coffee accessories, coffee and food “to go”, but not Coffee Beans! The absence of Coffee let my imagination wonder why they did not sell coffee…


In addition, hundreds of Coffee Roasters list their business website on Facebook. I realize there are Facebook stores, but our sources indicate the majority of people do not shop for Coffee in these Facebook stores. If you own a legitimate business, setting up a website in today’s world should be a priority. If you can’t afford to hire a website developer, there are free websites templates and WordPress themes available for basic websites which can be setup to sell Coffee via telephone orders. When setting up a payment option for your website, seek professional help to avoid security issues.

As stated above if you don’t mind paying a percentage of your sales, consider selling on or Manage your own sales or use the selling services offered by both companies to lessen the burden on you. offers an eBay Valet option, where someone else handles the selling for you and Sell on offers similar services.


Also, this author has noticed that Coffee packaging can play an important roles in sales, especially if planning to sell of ebay on Amazon. Attention getting and attractive names and colors can increase sales. This was proven in micro beer sales and other products studies and probably safe to assume for Coffee too. Check out some Coffee packaging photos and Coffee names on our Coffee Gallery Page there are over 100 Coffees displayed.


Describe Your Coffee Education & Experience

If you Roast your own Coffee, as compared to outsourcing your roasting, and have a background in Coffee Roasting, special education or years of roasting experience you may display this somewhere on your website. Don’t get too lengthy on the home page, link your Coffee curriculum vitae to a separate page if experience is extensive. This display of Coffee expertise and professionalism may instill confidence in some consumers. If your roasting experience is not noteworthy, but your Coffee is great, don’t mention experience.


Don’t Confuse Visitor’s With Non Related Coffee Homepage Photos

While visiting some of the 1800+ Coffee websites, I sometimes got confused when the homepage opened and displayed were photos of bicycles, guitars or some other non-Coffee related images largely and boldly displayed on the home page. At first, I hit the back button, then somewhere on the page at the bottom my eye must have caught the word “Coffee” and I went back to verify the website sold Coffee. As stated above in the design section – you may want to design you website around your priority objective. If your Coffee doesn’t sell, would you still have a Coffee website to financial support the secondary goal? How about a Photo of your bicycle in the background of your Coffee Roaster or the guitars hanging on the wall of your Coffee Shop. There is always a way mixing your primary and secondary goal without compromising Coffee sales. A quality image is worth a thousand words….


Routinely Check Your Website

After your website is up and running frequently go back and check to verify it’s loading speed and functionality. This routine check may be best performed by different individuals, as new eyes can often pick up missed errors. Data can become corrupt on the server or your page can get hacked (as were a couple of the sites visited). Check your spelling and grammar, verify your contact page functions properly, check your payment system functions, especially if sales are declining for no reason, and scan your website for viruses if you suspect malware. Your hosting company may offer a virus scanning software or WordPress websites have plugin to search for malware (as good portion of the websites visited were WordPress).


On occasion you may want to use an analysis website to test your page loading speeds, many of the websites visited took 10-20 seconds to load, and some never loaded. Remember the average visitor won’t wait longer than 5-6 seconds when waiting for a page to load. Check some useful analysis websites below.


Speed and Mobility Analysis Websites include:

If you change your product packaging, product description or prices of any product you sell online – Take the time and update your website with these changes (including photos).

These ideas are derived from actually visiting over 2000 websites on our Coffee Roaster listings at least once to verify coffee was for sale online. There are hundreds of other websites visited that do not sell online. Only repetitively seen issues were mentioned here. Yes, we realize no website is perfect to all people – you can never please all of the people all of the time. Clarity of coffee sales is the single most important purpose of this post.

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Black Crack Coffee Mon, 12 Aug 2019 20:02:12 +0000 Urban Brewz Black Crack Coffee Urban Brewz Black Crack Coffee, a look at another High Caffeine Coffee taking shot at the High Caffeine market. Apparently Urban Brewz – the producer of Black Crack Coffee is closed Check out top rated

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Urban Brewz Black Crack Coffee

Urban Brewz Black Crack Coffee, a look at another High Caffeine Coffee taking shot at the High Caffeine market.

Apparently Urban Brewz – the producer of Black Crack Coffee is closed

Check out top rated High Caffeine Coffees on Amazon


Not Available any more

Our beans are roasted in a Gothot Ideal Rapid coffee roaster. Not only is this machine a workhorse, it is one of the only roasters made that has a “side fire” burner….whereby the “heat” is applied near the top of the drum as opposed to the bottom of the drum. This makes for evenly roasted coffee beans without that underlying “burnt” taste that you will find with “bottom fired” roasters. In addition, since Gothot designed their roasters to be “continuous roasters” we can roast in 40 lb. batches without stopping to wait for the cooling of the last batch giving us better volume in small batches for the time spent roasting.

• 1 lb of our specialty blend gourmet coffee beans in a resealable bag
• Heavy caffeine blend with a strong rich taste – A real wake-up call
• You can taste the freshness in every cup
• Freshly Roasted in small 40 lb batches

No One

Urban Brewz – the Coffee Roaster does not appear to have an Official website yet.

Hopefully the name of this coffee will not create a “politically correct” issue. I’m sure it is just a well thought marketing name. Urban Brewz appear to be a relativity new company, but with this interestingly named Coffee, I’m sure we have not seen the last of their Coffees.
We welcome your input on this coffee below in the comment section.


Click image to go to review page to see current review

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Black Insomnia Coffee – The NEW World’s Strongest Coffee Wed, 05 Apr 2017 00:23:22 +0000 Black Insomnia Coffee – The NEW World’s Strongest Coffee Images link to to check prices, reviews & ratings The battle for the World Strongest Coffee continues as Black Insomnia Coffee takes the title with 702 mg of caffeine per

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Black Insomnia Coffee – The NEW World’s Strongest Coffee

Images link to to check prices, reviews & ratings

The battle for the World Strongest Coffee continues as Black Insomnia Coffee takes the title with 702 mg of caffeine per 12 fl oz (354 ml), leaving Death Wish Coffee in second with 660 mg of caffeine per 12 fl oz (354 ml). That’s slight over a 6% increase in caffeine content over Death Wish Coffee.
Source of data is website. Black Insomnia Coffee is a relatively new Coffee to the U.S. market and originates from South Africa.

Black Insomnia Coffee

Be warned – the 58.5 mg of Caffeine per fluid ounce of coffee is an extremely high level of caffeine!

If you need caffeine and want a Highly rated coffee – Death Wish Coffee is available from

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4 Coffees Worthy of Your Attention Mon, 23 Jan 2017 02:15:58 +0000 Four Highly Rated Coffees Worthy of your Attention Images link to to check prices, reviews & ratings Kicking Horse Coffee – Grizzly Roast Kicking Horse Grizzly Roast Coffee on Amazon • Dark Roast • Central & South America •

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Four Highly Rated Coffees Worthy of your Attention

Images link to to check prices, reviews & ratings

Kicking Horse Coffee – Grizzly Roast

• Dark Roast
• Central & South America
• Rich, Dark Chocolate, Decadent
• Fairtrade, Organic, Kosher
• Roasted in Canada

Grizzly Claw by Kicking Horse Coffee at
Kicking Horse Coffee Sells on Amazon – Go to Kicking Horse Website

Check reviews from

Kona Coffee Beans Imagine Hawaii

• 100% KONA – Imagine is 100 pure Kona coffee, handpicked and sun dried
• EXTRA FANCY – Imagine beans are graded Extra Fancy for their size, moisture weight, and lack of defects
• EXCEPTIONAL FLAVOR – Sweet and robust without being acidic, this medium-dark roast – No bitterness, and an intense caffeine focus
• SINGLE ESTATE GROWN – Imagine 100% Kona mountain coffee is grown on one estate under the shade of Macadamia nut trees
• AIR ROASTED – Imagine beans are air roasted, producing a more evenly roasted bean and a better tasting cup of coffee

Kona Coffee by Imagine at
Check reviews from

Kaffeine Koffee Organic Colombian Specialty

• Great as espresso and cold brew!
• Our coffee is hot air roasted evenly. You’ll never have unevenly roasted beans
• We use a patented roasting process that removes 80% of the acidity from the beans
• Our coffee taste good hot or as a cold brew due to the low acidity
• 100% Organic Arabica Beans curated gourmet specialty coffeeAVAILABLE FROM:
Organic Colombian Supremo by Kaffeine Koffee at
Check reviews from

Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters Jamaican

• Freshness guaranteed
• Premium arabica beans hand roasted in small batches
• Colombian coffee with the flavor of cinnamon, rum and pecans
• Finger Lakes popular flavored coffeeAVAILABLE FROM:
Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee by Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters at
Go to Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters website
Check reviews from

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